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RE: [BULK] - [TowerTalk] F12 customer service

To: 'David Greer' <>,
Subject: RE: [BULK] - [TowerTalk] F12 customer service
From: Steve Katz <>
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2003 09:43:42 -0800
List-post: <>
Even here in CA, F12 does have the reputation of "some of the best antennas
you can almost get."  -WB2WIK/6

> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Greer []
> Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2003 9:59 AM
> To:
> Subject:      [BULK] - [TowerTalk] F12 customer service
> I've never owned a Force 12 beam but they seem to
> perform well on the air. I tried to be an owner but
> thanks to F12 it didn't work out.
> Four years ago, I placed an order for  a C3SS yagi but
> the owner asked if I was attending Dayton  -- about 3
> weeks away at that time. I said yes and he said they
> would deliver it to me there and save me shipping.
> That sounded fine but when I went to their booth to
> pick it up, the owner acted sheepish and said it was
> still on the truck. If I'd come back in 2 hours, they
> would have it for me. I did but they didn't. It wasn't
> on the truck, he said. But he promised they would ship
> me one in 10 days or less.
> Ten days turned into more than six weeks -- a period
> full of evasive answers to my questions.  Finally, I
> told them they had been deceptive in their dealings
> with me and I didn't appreciate it. I never used foul
> or harsh language in my e-mails but I made it clear I
> didn't like the way they conducted their business. The
> next thing I knew I got an e-mail from an associate at
> the company telling me they had canceled my order. 
> Since I had never once mentioned canceling the order,
> I was surprised at their action but figured it was
> probably for the best. Since then I have owned
> TennaDyne and SteppIR antennas and their customer
> service has been excellent. 
> Go figure.
> Dave, N4KZ
> =====
> David Greer
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