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Re: [TowerTalk] FW: Yaesu rotator problem

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] FW: Yaesu rotator problem
From: NØATH <>
Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2005 22:30:27 -0500
List-post: <>
I have a similar problem with a Yaesu G800SA - It has connections for only 4 
wires on the rear of the control box.
I have no manual and I have yet been able to make it work and track correctly. 
I picked this one up 2nd hand although it
looks new. I have not been able to find the resident expert on these rotors. I 
have a ninety footer going up soon with a
6 element vertical for 52.525 and a six element horz. for down around 50.100. 
Sure wish I could get this thing going 
before cold weather hits western Missouri.
NØATH / Dave

> Steve wrote:
> > Howdy, TowerTalkians --
> > 
> >     I ran into a problem that's got me stumped. I've got a
> > Yaesu G-800 
> > rotator that doesn't seem to work. It was not tested prior to 
> > installation on the 
> > tower but I haven't ever had any infant mortality problems 
> > with Yaesus so maybe 
> > it's something on our end.
> > 
> >     I think I remember that Yaesu rotators changed voltage
> > systems recently - 
> > they went from ac to dc or vice versa - I don't remember 
> > which, but the 
> > result is that instead of using 6 wires, now they only use 4. 
> > Which is fine except 
> > they don't tell you that in the instruction manual so you 
> > wind up soldering 4 
> > extra wires (2 on each end) that aren't needed. And they're 
> > not the easiest 
> > buggers to work with in the first place. :-(
> > 
> >     Anyway, we got the 4 wires hooked up and it doesn't work
> > - no rotation, 
> > no indication, etc. We've got power and had to replace the 
> > little internal 3A 
> > fuse but as Mark would say, no worky worky. We couldn't find 
> > any pin-out 
> > measurements like you find with Hy-Gain rotors so we couldn't 
> > do any measurements. 
> > Can anyone give us any simple measurements/tests we can do? 
> > We haven't run a 
> > cable continuity check but I haven't had that sort of problem 
> > before but I'm not 
> > ruling anything out.
> > 
> >     Any help appreciated.
> > 
> > Cheers,
> > Steve    K7LXC
> The Yaesu rotators have been 20 Vdc for as long as I've had 
> mine 5+ years. They call for 5 connections..I've never second 
> guessed them, like you, I just hooked them up and away they went.
> Here's the manual if you need one..has the schematic in the back.
> 73 John W8JJW


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