Correct me if need be - I think the Rohn 20 is also painted - not Galvanized -
NØATH / Dave
Rohn 20G and 25G are practically identical with Z-bracing. The only
difference is that 25 has 8 horizontals and 20 only has 7. With less bracing,
20G has less torque resistance and is specified by Rohn for only
TV-antenna-type applications. Here's what Rohn says about it:
"The #20 tower is not recommended for commercial, ham, CB or guyed
I think what the tower of interest is is like Rohn 6 that has no
diagonal braces - only horizontals. It is another type of TV tower and was
made by
many manufacturers in the days before cable or satellite TV signal delivery.
There are thousands of 40-footers still up in the mid-west and around the
country with TV antennas on them. That's why they're cheap and plentiful.
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