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Re: [TowerTalk] EHS or Philly?

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] EHS or Philly?
From: bob finger <>
Date: Mon, 15 May 2006 06:11:07 -0400
List-post: <>
Anything can cause failure if improperly installed.  Phyllistran has 
more stretch than does EHS.  My suggestion is to install the first 30 
feet of guy line from the tower down using phyllistran and complete each 
guy with ehs.  When you tension the guys do so at 15% instead of 10% for 
ehs alone and check and retighten after a few days.  That will 
accommodate for the stretch.  You want ehs on the bottom of the guy for 
several reasons; among them are fire prevention, the ability to read the 
tension with a loos gauge on the ehs and to keep vandals from cutting 
the phyllistran with a pen knife. 

I have three towers installed as discussed above (but with more than 30 
feet of phyllistran on some guys).  No problems over several years.  
Follow the insturctions EXACTLY when putting the big grips on the 
phyylistran...preload is mandatory.  This is a proven product.  Your 
fears are unfounded if installed properly.  73 bob de w9ge

Jon M. Knodel wrote:

>Hello all,
>Thank you everyone for the help so far.  I am back with another question 
>It has actually worked out that Phillystran would be cheaper for me to use 
>than EHS broken up into +/-11' lengths.  I am leaning toward using it but am 
>concerned about it's stretch.  On K7NV's site (great info on tower design and 
>loading), he runs one scenario (using Grape software) where the tower actually 
>failed due to the Phillystran stretching too much.  Granted, this was on a 
>100' R45 and my installation would be a 60' R25 but it still concerns me.  Do 
>you think it would be possible for the Philly to cause a failure?  If so, 
>would it be solved by increased initial tensioning (say 15% or maybe even 20% 
>as compared to 10%)?  Any help would definitely be appreciated.  Thanks.
>73 es gud DX!,
>Jon, N7XW
>TowerTalk mailing list


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