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Re: [TowerTalk] Electric Winches

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Electric Winches
From: kd4e <>
Date: Sun, 24 Sep 2006 14:50:55 -0400
List-post: <>
John Cowan wrote:
> I have been cranking my tilt-over Rohn 25 tower up and down with a manual 
> boat winch for over a year now. 
>  Dutton-Lainson StrongArm 120V AC Electric Winch รข 4000-Lb. Capacity
> I have seen these electric winches advertised at Glen Martin. I am wondering 
> if this would not be a suitable replacement for my manual winch. I need power 
> in/out. 
> Anyone have any experience with these electric winches?
> John

Can you power it when you lose 120vac?

If not you may want to go for a 12vdc winch so
you can operate it from a vehicle battery in an

Just a thought!

Living in the country and where storms sometimes
come up quickly and can knock out power one thinks
about these things -- may want to operate during an
approaching tropical storm as long as possible then
lower the tilt-over ... a big problem if AC is lost
and one lacks the necessary inverter to produce it


Thanks! & 73,
doc, KD4E
... somewhere in FL
URL:  bibleseven (dot) com

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