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Re: [TowerTalk] Supplementary question to: Insurance,and tower as "acces

To: "towertalk reflector" <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Supplementary question to: Insurance,and tower as "accessory structure"
From: "K8RI on TowerTalk" <>
Date: Sat, 7 Oct 2006 15:11:09 -0400
List-post: <>

> On 10/07/06 08:13 am I wrote:
>> What are people doing about insurance for their towers and antenna 
>> systems?

This varies between companies. For some, the tower needs to be attached and 
for some it needs to be isolated. You may find  "adjacent structure" will 
not give you as much coverage  as leaving it isolated and with a seperate 
policy or an outstructure rider.  IOW your agent is the one to talk to.

>> My agent said that if the tower is "attached to" the house it is covered
>> as an "accessory structure" under my homeowner's insurance. The
>> "attachment" has to be something more than just the electrical cables
>> but need not really support anything. I asked US Tower about this, but
>> they said that the tower should not be attached to the building in any

They don't want any responsibility if the tower goes down and takes part of 
the house with it.
A simple bracket or strap that would pull away (nails instead of lag bolts) 
*might* satisfy the insurance company.

>> way. Nevertheless, I am thinking of a fairly flimsy brace from the
>> raising fixture (it's a tilt-over tower) to the adjacent house; any
>> thoughts on this?
> If you do not have the tower attached to the house, are you buying your
> separate insurance from the company that insures your house (and perhaps
> your cars and other stuff) or from another co., e.g., through ARRL?

I carried the insurrance through ARRL almost since it became available. It 
was a very good deal to begin. However  I dropped it this year as they had 
added too many exclusions which made it ... well... not useful to me.  I 
carry a rider for my tower and equipment with better coverage.

Roger Halstead (K8RI and ARRL 40 year Life Member)
N833R - World's oldest Debonair CD-2
> Alan NV8A
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