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Re: [TowerTalk] Phillystran Grips

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Phillystran Grips
From: "K8RI on TowerTalk" <>
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2006 14:52:09 -0500
List-post: <>

> Phillystran grips are VERY different from EHS grips:
> !> they are wound in the reverse direction from EHS grips
> 2> the inside diameter is different from any EHS grip
> 3>they are much longer than any EHS grips

Makes me glad I never tried to use them that way.
I've always used EHS with wire thimbles and clamps which is a royal pain in 
more ways than one.

> They are made of galvanized steel and this makes the  appearance quite
> similar.
> The much lower manufacturing volume, increased amount of  material and the
> extra level in the distribution chain makes Phillystran grips  cost more 
> than
> equivalent strength EHS grips.
> We purchase EHS grips directly from the manufacturer but we  are not 
> allowed
> to do this with Phillystran grips.
> Shameless plug follows:
> Both types of grips are stocked at Texas Towers

That's where I've been purchasing them. <:-))

BTW, I just checked the topy guy tension and it's still right on after 
nearly six years.


Roger (K8RI)
> 73,
> Gerald Williamson, K5GW
> General Manager, Texas Towers
> In a message dated 12/20/2006 4:45:13 A.M. Central Standard Time,
> writes:
>> In a message dated 12/19/2006 5:28:16 P.M.  Pacific Standard Time,
>>  writes:
>>>   I'd feel comfortable using a guy grip  on 7-strand  steel cable tram
>> line, since that's what it was  designed for.   According to my
>> understanding, one can't  re-use the same guy grip over and  over... so 
>> it
>> would have to be  tossed at the end of the job (unless you're  saving the
>> tram line  with the guy grip for reuse at a future date).   I don't  know
>> how the manufacturer feels about using a guy grip designed   for 7-strand
>> cable on wire rope of the same diameter; the  manufacturer's  Prime
>> Directive applies here.  Maybe there  are grips designed  specifically 
>> for
>> wire  rope.
> Looking at them they appear to use the same grips on  EHS as they do
> Phillistran or are looks deceiving?
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