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Re: [TowerTalk] aluminium welding wire

To: VE2RYY <>,
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] aluminium welding wire
From: Hector Garcia XE2K <>
Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2007 23:53:21 -0700 (PDT)
List-post: <>

for around the pound of wire you will get the mile if
i not wrong, i use 2 pounds in the last IOTA
operation, 2 one pound rolls was all the necesary for
the dx-88 we use ,  the wire new is great for
temporary  use,  very light and easy to recover,
disposable in some way,  i will have no idea how long
will be good for a permanet installation with direct
contact to the ground, maybe elevated radials will be
better  for long time use.

with 60 pounds for sure you can try  and best if you
get it free o very cheap

if not , you can get a few dollar by the pound  in the
yunk yard,   all the metals are expensive than before

--- VE2RYY <> wrote:

> I  have the opportunity of getting three spools of
> .035" al. welding wire.
> each spool is about 20 lbs.
> I wonder how many feet we get from one spool.
> Anybody using this kind  of wire for radials on
> 160.meters.
> I wonder how long the radials will last on the
> ground?????
> Copper is so expensive these days....
> I would appreciate input on this ..
> Thanks
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Hector Garcia XE2K / XF1K
Mexicali B.C  DM22fp

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