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[TowerTalk] Roof Tower Safety?

To: Tower Talk Mailing List <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] Roof Tower Safety?
From: Eric Rosenberg <>
Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2007 23:41:19 -0500
List-post: <>
I've been following all the talk regarding the equipment and planning 
processes for safely climbing towers.

I'm m looking for recommendations for those of us with roof towers.  
Mine is an Alinco 6-footer with about 3 feet of mast sticking out, 
holding a F12 C3-SS.

While the roof is steep, getting to it is quite easy and safe. My issue 
is getting from the eaves to the tower and back. 

Can I/should I have a fixed runner from the roof tower (attached to it 
or done some other way) to clip in to (I wear a dual sling belt [around 
the waist and under my butt]).

Until this summer, I'd been climbing up and down for years. I didn't go 
up there this year due to a variety of knee and foot injuries and I'm 
worried that I don't have the or foot strength I once had.

And suggestions are appreciated!

Eric W3DQ
Washington. DC

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