I have watched with great interest, all the debates that have taken
place on this reflector and now I have a question to pose to the many
knowledgeable people here. I am looking to put up low band antennas
with the primary focus on Contesting and Dxing. I do not have a huge
lot, but do have about 100ft by 200ft available that runs NE/SW in the
longer direction. My first question is: Which would be the better
array for 40m - four square or 3 element vertical array? (My tower will
only be at 65ft and I think either of these arrays will be better than a
shorty 40m beam). Second question: Would there be any ill-effect if I
put a centre element in the four square that is trapped for 80/160m.
Looking to have a 65ft vertical for 80m that is trapped at the top to
allow top loading via wires for 160m. Distance from centre of all of
this would be approx 100ft from house.
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