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[TowerTalk] CD-44 & HAM4 controller, Mosley A-320 Manual

To: <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] CD-44 & HAM4 controller, Mosley A-320 Manual
From: Joe Jaffer <>
Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2008 19:12:19 -0400
List-post: <">>
I just got a NOS CD-44 with controller at the Timonium Hamfest, and I'm 
wondering if anyone knows whether or not the control box will work on my HAM4 
rotators.  The controller is the same style.  I may just use the whole setup 
together, but I think the HAM4 would probably take a lot more abuse depending 
on what antenna I use it for.
Also, I got a Mosley A-320 3-element 20m yagi on a 24-foot boom from an estate 
sale out on Long Island last summer.  I'm getting ready to put it up but I'd 
like to double check the dimensions to make sure it's set up for somewhere near 
the phone portion of the band.  I don't have a manual...
Anybody know where I can find a manual for this thing other than from Mosley?  
They're asking $10 for the manual which I think is a little much.  It would be 
nice if it existed somewhere on PDF, but I've been unsuccessful at googling one 
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