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Re: [TowerTalk] 204CA Antenna Dimensions?

To: <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] 204CA Antenna Dimensions?
From: "Dale Martin" <>
Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2008 22:49:31 -0500
List-post: <">>
This reflector is SO awesome.  

Thanks to all who replied: w6tr, n8de, w1rh and wa3gin.  

Of all things, I have both the 17th and 20th editions of the ARRL Antenna

Whodathot that would have been in there?  Certainly and obviously not me.
Lesson learned. 

Dale, kg5u

aka K5WA during FD.  See where we will be operating:
Enter K5WA in the entry field.
> The 20th Ed agrees with the element spacings but the tip 
> dimension are different, They are:
> R        56.0
> DE       52.0
> D1        61.5
> D2        50.125
> I put the optimized spacings and the above tip lengths in YO 
> 7.1  and the performance looks good.  Forward gain about 8DBI 
> across the band and F/B 
> 30+db at the low end diminishing to 20db at the top of the 
> band. SWR at 
> 30+1:1
> at 14.2 and 1.5 at the both band edges.  Not bad for a 26 foot boom.


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