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[TowerTalk] More lightning stuff

Subject: [TowerTalk] More lightning stuff
From: Jim Lux <>
Reply-to: Jim Lux <>
Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2008 17:01:24 -0700 (GMT-07:00)
List-post: <">>
Ran across another interesting paper:, a paper by Moore, et al, 
from the Langmuir Lab.

Their recommendation is that radials for lightning dissipation should extend 
8-10 meters from the down conductor. (based on height of stepped leader and the 
surface charge distribution)

 They also point out that a standard rod has sufficient inductance (2.4 uH, 
est) that it's not a particularly good lightning current sink, because it would 
still result in a radial electric field of several hundred kV/m. That field 
would result in radial streamers forming and propagating outward.

The concern overall is that of "surface arcing"

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