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[TowerTalk] single point ground question

To: <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] single point ground question
From: "David J Windisch" <>
Date: Sun, 8 Mar 2009 18:49:21 -0400
List-post: <">>
The basement walls of the house in which I live were bowed in.  The fix, which 
works fine, btw, is 11 1-in OD steel rods, thru the north and south walls, 
horizontally out into the yard 8-9 feet, about 3-1/2 ft under the surface, with 
large anchor plates on each (threaded) end, and nuts to pull the plates tight, 
straightening the walls.   If you're interested in details, google Matthews 
Wall anchor (a plug from a happy, unaffiliated customer).

Would it be worthwhile, or at least do no harm, to tie the rods on the south 
wall together and to my power/phone/cable-entry ground?  The closest rod is 
only about 2 ft from that entry point, which is at the s/w corner of the house. 
 Another rod is about 5 ft straight down from the shack, and about 20 ft from 
the entry point, and the farthest is about 30 ft away on the south wall.

Tia & 73, Dave W8FGX


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