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[TowerTalk] Rohn 25G/Hazer Question

To: <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] Rohn 25G/Hazer Question
From: "Clay W7CE" <>
Date: Sun, 10 May 2009 10:39:33 -0700
List-post: <">>
I'm getting ready for the June VHF contest and plan to put 20' of Rohn 25G 
and a Hazer at the peak of my roof for my 6 & 2M antennas (it will be 
guyed).  The tower is replacing a single top section of 25G that is there 
now.  I have two choices - add 10' to the bottom of my current top section 
or just use two standard 10' sections.  The latter choice works a little 
better for mounting the Hazer pulley assembly and has the advantage of 
letting me pull the Hazer a couple of feet higher.  Both choices will work 
though.  Is there any reason for using a top section rather than an open 
section of 25G at the top.  The 25G top sections look like they might be a 
little stronger since they have additional reinforcing at the top.  Also, if 
I do use a standard section at the top, should I plug the top end of the 
legs to keep water out or leave them open?


Thanks and 73,
Clay  W7CE 


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