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Re: [TowerTalk] Crimped PL-259's

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Crimped PL-259's
From: "Roger (K8RI)" <>
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 2010 13:30:04 -0400
List-post: <">>
On 10/14/2010 11:04 AM, Tod - ID wrote:
> I thought I saw some crimped UHF connectors on the Mouser website this
> morning.
> I think I did a search for Connectors - RF - crimped - male - UHF to get to
> the list of male, crimped, UHF connectors.
Not sure where I bought them, but I have a number of UHF types that are 
crimp on for both RG8 and RG8X sizes. No problems fitting LMR-400, BUT 
LMR400UF center conductor is larger by a tad.  I also have some crimp on 
UHF males for LMR-600 that I purchased from Davis. The price wasn't bad, 
but with 8 to 10 (or more) connectors per run they can get kinda pricey.

I prefer the larger connectors on both 160 and 75 where excursions to 
the band edge bring high SWR and very high voltages at the legal limit.  
Actually I think the best connectors for those two bands would be the 
DIN 7-16 if you run the legal limit and large cable for 160 due to the 
higher resistive losses.  OTOH I got a good price on LMR-600 a couple 
years back, so the lines to the tower and from the base of the tower to 
the top are all LMR-600.

> As I recall the price was about $1.70 per connector. There were several
> sizes to accommodate different sizes of coax.
IIRC The high quality connectors along with Amphenol  were in the $3.00 
>   If you are using 'exotic' coax
> like RG400, RG142, etc. you may have to buy special ferrules from
> TheRFCconnection [BNC-RG-223 Ferrule] . They also have miniUHF crimp
> connectors [UHF-RFC505]and 9913/LMR400 size crmp/solder [UHF-RFC17-03T]
> I am only a customer and have no financial interest in either Mouser or
> TheRFConnection.
RF parts and Davis are also good sources. I don't remember if the 
Wireman stocked those or not.
If you want hard to find, try UHF for LMR-600.  Davis found some for me 
at a reasonable price (IIRC they were less than $15).  Other places that 
had them had unbelieveable prices.  Where clamp UHF were on the order of 
$15 +/- the Crimp UHF for LMR-600 were $80-$90 EACH!


Roger (K8RI)
> Tod, K0TO
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Ryan Jairam
>> Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2010 8:31 AM
>> To: Kenneth Goodwin
>> Cc:
>> Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Crimped PL-259's
>> Almost no one except amateur radio and CB uses UHF (PL259)
>> connectors anymore.
>> Therefore you will mostly find them in ham and CB shops (and ebay).
>> 73,
>> Ryan, N2RJ
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