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[TowerTalk] Stacking distance?

Subject: [TowerTalk] Stacking distance?
From: Paul Staupe <>
Date: Sun, 3 Jul 2011 09:51:18 -0500
List-post: <">>
 I'm going to be building  Moxon elements this week for my Cushcraft XM240.
I just received a SteppIR from the same W4 who sold me the XM240, so I'm
excited to get started.

I'd like to get a feeling from the group as to the proper stacking distance
from my 4L SteppIR.  I can get 17' lengths of 2" by 1/4" wall steel tubing
locally which would put the distance about 10' apart.  That's probably not

I suppose that I could retract the SteppIR ribbons when I'm on the Moxon so
it wouldn't be an issue on 40, but the Moxon can't be retracted, so it would
affect the pattern of the SteppIR at all times.

I'm reading "Array of Light" by Tom Schiller,  N6BT (the guy who founded
Force 12) and up until now I never realized why my  "Christmas Tree" of a
HyGain 20/40 four element duobander, a five element 15M Yagi and a 5 element
10M Yagi never played up to my expectations.  I put this up when I was 18 on
top of a 90' stick of Rohn 25G using a 20' water pipe for a mast and turned
by a Ham II.... What did I know!!!)  . According to Schiller, the F/B and
gain of such a system was less effective than rotatable dipoles!

Any ideas?


Paul W0AD

Happy 4th of July to everyone....

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