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Re: [TowerTalk] ERC-- Easy Rotor Control troubleshooting

To: Geoffrey Way <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] ERC-- Easy Rotor Control troubleshooting
Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2012 11:12:05 -0500
List-post: <">>
Check to see that the large value electrolytic capacitor in the time  
delay circuit is well-soldered into the circuit.  If not, it won't  
charge and keep the relay latched.

Quoting Geoffrey Way <>:

> Hi TTians,
> I bought the nice little ERC German-made rotator interface kit,
> and have put it together and installed it in my Ham-IV control
> box, but have a wrinkle.
> For reasons I don't yet understand, the brake release relay
> isn't
> doing its job. If I manually press the brake release lever, the
> other 2 relays turn the antenna, and it stops on target. The
> brake release relay seems to do nothing, even though I hear it
> clicking. I double checked that the wires are correctly
> connected
> to the manual switch leads, and the corresponding buss points
> on the kit.
> If there is someone who has this unit working correctly, I'd
> be interested to get some info on how the brake release
> relay behaves in their unit; perhaps I've overlooked something.
> -- KA1IOR
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