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[TowerTalk] Job opening - Mendocino county, California

To: Towertalk <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] Job opening - Mendocino county, California
From: Mike <>
Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2012 09:30:30 -0700
List-post: <">>
        WillitsOnline, a wireless ISP / Telecomm carrier in Northern 
california, has a job opening for a Wireless microwave site maintenance 
and installation tech. The job will entail installing new wireless 
sites, including new towers under 80' tall, microwave communications 
equipment in licensed and unlicensed frequency bands, experience with 
all antenna types and installation/alignment procedures. Also good to 
have general handyman skills, electrical systems knowledge, laptop 
computer skills, climbing ability, wireless microwave site acquisition, 
and of course the most important quality is a simple commitment to doing 
the job right and staying with it till it's done.

        The job will initially be part time, however, we desire candidates with 
advanced skills and a desire for advancing into management and taking 
over complete ownership of our wireless microwave operation. Local 
candidates within a realistic daily driving distance to our office and 
sites in Mendocino county are strongly encouraged to apply.

Thank you.

Mike Ireton


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