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Re: [TowerTalk] hornets nest

To: Mike Ryan <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] hornets nest
From: EZ Rhino <>
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2012 18:31:27 -0600
List-post: <">>
I use (automotive) brake cleaner!  Cheaper than the bee spray, and works great 
on all insects.  Follow it up with a flame if you're brave...


On Sep 12, 2012, at 16:25 , Mike Ryan wrote:

Some of the popular bee sprays don't kill all the bees. Most kill wasps but I 
was told by the guy in Home Depot that some just make bees like yellow jackets 
mad.  I had wasps here so wasn't worried about which was which. But depending 
on what you have around it might be worth a closer look at the label.  Now, if 
they can only come up with an effective spray for mother-in-laws.  - Mike

-----Original Message----- From: KD0Q-Glenn
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2012 6:00 PM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] hornets nest

I had yellow jackets build a nest in my mast this summer.  Found them to be
nearly inactive early in the morning - I know because I watched for them
with my binoculars.  I was able to blow the nest out and spray one morning
and didn't have a problem.  Took 3 weeks before I quit seeing them hanging
around and dared to work up there.  Haven't seen any since.

73, Glenn/KD0Q

----- Original Message ----- From: "Craig Clark" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2012 4:45 PM
Subject: [TowerTalk] hornets nest

> I'd like to do some tower work but found I have a hornet's nest on the boom
> support of my 40 meter antenna at 60'.
> We have had a couple of cold mornings and I could try hitting it at dawn
> with a spray but I really don't want to do it and risk being attacked. I
> could also wait until we have a couple of good frosts and I could take it
> down then.
> Any thoughts other than waiting for late fall?
> Craig
> Craig Clark K1QX
> QX Electronics
> PO Box 209
> 107 Fitzgerald Rd
> Rindge NH 03461
> (603) 899-6959 office
> (603) 520 6577 cell
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