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Re: [TowerTalk] Need Tips on Selecting A Crank-up Tower

To: Tower Talk <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Need Tips on Selecting A Crank-up Tower
From: Richard Solomon <>
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2013 12:47:31 -0700
List-post: <">>
Interesting that you had problems with Tashjian ... the 5 guys here in
have all bought his towers after getting nowhere with US Towers.

Must have caught them on a bad/good day !!

73, Dick, W1KSZ

On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 10:27 AM, Steve Jones <> wrote:

> Wayne-
> I have been happy with US Tower's HDX-589.  Their structural engineer was
> very helpful on the phone, answering the many questions I had regarding
> antenna loading, foundation work, maintenance, etc.  It has a manual
> tilt-over winch which is tedious to raise & lower, but I don't tilt it over
> that often.  I contacted Karl Tashjian at Tashjian Towers, but he wasn't
> very responsive or helpful.
> Regarding trees, I had to remove several large fir trees to install my
> tower.  That was covered in my county permit.  The permit required that I
> complete an environmental check list which addressed the types of
> endangered
> critters that might live in the trees, the effects on rain runoff with the
> trees removed, effects on the health of the forest, etc.  If they didn't
> like the results, they might have asked for a full EIR report, but the
> impacts were all "less than significant" or "less than significant with
> mitigations".  And San Mateo County, CA is a very environmentally conscious
> area!  So you still might think about removing a few critical trees, it's
> just a lot of paperwork.
> Make sure there's no arrowheads laying around before the archeologist
> arrives!
> 73,
> Steve
> N6SJ
> -----Original Message-----
> From: TowerTalk [] On Behalf Of
> Wayne
> Willenberg
> Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 8:09 AM
> To:
> Subject: [TowerTalk] Need Tips on Selecting A Crank-up Tower
> For several years I have been dreaming of a 90' tower next to my home
> located near the coast in South Carolina.  But, I could never find a
> practical way around my county's requirement that any tower must meet a
> 130MPH 3-sec gust.  A further problem is I live on a 5 acre heavily wooded
> lot.  The county requires a permit to cut down a single tree.  That made it
> impossible to get a crane into my backyard to erect the tower.  If it
> weren't for that problem, I would have gone with something like a Big
> Bertha
> that I understand can meet this wind loading requirement.  However, there
> is
> a trail from the road to near the tower site that is wide enough to allow a
> Bob Cat and a back-hoe or the like to get to the site.
> Fortunately, I subscribe to this reflector because a couple of other hams
> on
> the reflector suggested a crank-up tower.  They suggested I could try to
> sell the county on the fact that a fully retracted tower can meet the
> 130MPH
> requirement.
> Yesterday, I met with all 5 members of the county planning department and
> presented this "nested" approach.  I circulated a photo of the nested tower
> (I didn't pass around a photo of the tower fully extended) and further
> explained how I might be helpful for communication in an emergency
> condition.  Something won them over and now I am jumping through all the
> other hoops they have, like an archaeological survey!
> I need some tips on selecting a motorized crank-up tower that can hinge
> near
> the base to allow the tower to be horizontal.  I would like to have an
> electric motor to also control the hinging function.  (I don't mean to
> spark
> a debate over which manufacturer makes the best tower.)  I am so new to
> this
> that *any *constructive suggestions will be helpful.  I am at a point where
> I know so little about these towers I don't know how to ask intelligent
> questions.  If you own a tower like I am describing, where have you had
> problems?  Does it go up and down as smoothly and effortlessly as
> it seems?    Even suggestions like the diameter and material of the cable
> that pulls the antenna up would be helpful. How much maintenance am I
> getting into?
> Thanks for your help.
> 73, Wayne KK6BT
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