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Re: [TowerTalk] Comparing Hi-Z Receive Arrays and KB7GF Shared Apex Loop

To: <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Comparing Hi-Z Receive Arrays and KB7GF Shared Apex Loop
From: "David Thompson" <>
Reply-to: David Thompson <>
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 12:21:43 -0400
List-post: <">>
That 80 X 80 foot requirement puts the HIz receiving array out of the reach of many using small loops like the K9AY on city lots.
W4NU has something like the HIz which use uses on 160.  He had to clear out 
a lot of land to use it.  As I recall about 1 acre.
I tried snakes and small loops but replaced them with a Shielded Link loop 
described by AB0X in a 1989 CQ.  My shielded link was made from RG58 and 
laid on my roof.  I did install a single K9AY loop with Gary's help in about 
1994.  Broadside NE and SW and fed with RG8X to a P-408 Palomar Pre-amp at 
the shack.  Beat the shielded loop om most DX and lasted until last year 
when a tree branch brought most of it down.
WF4W told me he liked the Pixel Loop several years ago.  I understand he is 
installing beverages now that he lives on a large property way outside of 
73 Dave K4JRB 


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