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Re: [TowerTalk] GE HV silicone spray ?

To: <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] GE HV silicone spray ?
From: "Patrick Greenlee" <>
Date: Sat, 8 Nov 2014 08:36:26 -0600
List-post: <">>
Are we boycotting Glyptal?? Spun off from GE in 1985 it is widely available. I used to buy it in small bottles with a brush in the cap as sold by GC (General Cement?) back in the early 70's. It has good dielectric properties and was used by TV techs on the CRT high voltage ckts. I used it for its waterproofing and adhesive qualities as well as its dielectric properties and UV+visible light opacity. (Developed dual beam ultra-violet spectrophotometers used for blood analysis.)
It is still available.  I'm not sure but I think there may be different 
formulations so go for electronic application type if given a choice.  I 
know Glyptal is also used to seal engine blocks but I don't know if it is 
the same formulation.
Try it, you'll like it.


Patrick NJ5G

-----Original Message----- From: Jim Thomson
Sent: Friday, November 07, 2014 1:33 PM
Subject: [TowerTalk] GE HV silicone spray ?

Date: Fri, 7 Nov 2014 09:54:21 -0700
From: Don Moman VE6JY <>
To: "TOWERTALK@contesting. com" <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] GE HV silicone spray ?

Jim, this may be similar.... Available locally at Gregg Distributors.... I
use a product  labeled as "Sprayon"  (by Sherwin Williams) 00600 Clear
Insulating Varnish.  Says on can that dielectric strength is 1000 VPM
(volts per millimeter I guess).?  They also make a red version (SB-6-665)
with 1100 VPM.  I use it routinely to seal antenna DE and balun connections
etc.  Seems impervious to weathering....

73 Don

##  I must be brain dead.   Its called GE  HV acrylic plastic.
They probably mean 1 kv per mil... or .001”  ( .001 inch)
Teflon is typ 2 kv per mil.

##  I will check it out.  We have a few Sherwin Williams outlets here.
I will see if I can hi pot test the stuff....just out of interest. I have a myriad of
uses for it.   BTW, it also comes in green, etc.

Tnx again.

Jim  VE7RF

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