On 26/03/2015 15:12, LY2KZ wrote:
s there anyone who has had experience with fan dipoles? What should I
keep in mind before starting to build? Yes, tuning perhaps will not be
very simple, but hopefully I will manage.
How far apart wires should be? 10in OK?
Should all center conductor legs go to the same side or vary left -
right - left
My first novice antenna was a 80/40(15) fan dipole over 50 years ago.
I currently have 160/80 and 40/30 fan inverted vees in the air and will
probably add 60 and 20m soon.
Some designs use twin lead or ladder line for the antenna wires
therefore about an inch apart. Other designs have the wires going to
separate supports or hanging from the longer wires. It really doesn't
make much difference. My 160/80 wires go to different end supports, but
the 30m wires hand from the 40m wires.
The only real drawback is that there is some interaction when pruning
the wires. I have had as many as four wires suspended from each other
and that becomes a bit more touchy.
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