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[TowerTalk] UFER Ground

To: "" <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] UFER Ground
From: Stan Stockton <>
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 2016 05:46:16 -0600
List-post: <">>
I need some advice regarding what to do in a new construction before concrete 
is poured.

It is a small house that will be elevated about 8.5 feet on concrete columns.  
Floor (8.5 feet above ground) will be concrete slab, exterior walls will be 
concrete blocks, filled with concrete. The blocks and slab will, of course have 
rebar.  However, the local resources to do exothermic welding "may" be limited 
or unavailable.  Roof will be standing seam aluminum roof.  Radio will be 
located in the house 8.5 feet above ground against an outside wall.

I thought perhaps running a heavy wire through the center of concrete blocks 
and through a column form to a driven ground rod at bottom of the hole for 
column would be good enough.  Looking for confirmation of whether that's good, 
and if so, what would be better and best?

Not wanting to spend a lot of money but do want to do something before the 
concrete is poured.

Thanks... Stan, K5GO


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