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Re: [TowerTalk] AES SK

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] AES SK
From: Dave Thompson <>
Reply-to: Dave Thompson <>
Date: Thu, 7 Jul 2016 08:30:12 -0400 (GMT-04:00)
List-post: <">>
This is bad news for the amateur radio community.  I remember when the outside 
firm bought AES in about 1995. Remember, ham radio is not a big market and I am 
surprised that HRO has done so well.

Back when I got started in 1956 I bought my first receiver from Bob Henry in 
Butler, MO.  I bought a used Henry 2K from Bob in 1969 that belonged to Cam 
Pierce W5HJT later W6PU. By 1969
AES had come on the scene to replace WRL as the top amateur radio dealer. My 
friend Bryan was running Edwards Electronics (W5KFT) and I had bought my Drake 
line from him. Bob Henry was one of the Henry brothers to run stores in CA and 
MO.  I visited Harrison Radio in NYC and Bil even tried to open a store in 
Atlanta in the mid 1970's. Soon all of these dealers were out of business altho 
Leo at WRL tried to turn over his firm to his son.

Many of the dealers ran the amateur radio portion as just a part of their 
business. In the South, Ack Radio (Birmingham, Atlanta) was mostly a commercial 
electronics business.  Ack is still in business but no longer in anything but 
the parts business. They even tried the internet to sell their old tube and 
amateur parts recently.

There seems to be several new amateur radio stores opening or expanding every 
year. Mot live off telephone or internet sales but do try to maintain a store 
front. HRO is the most successful store front but I used to visit AES Orlando.  
One visit I met TI2WD who was one of my first Costa Rica contacts. Steve W9EAN 
also worked at the Orlando store after retirement from Milwaukee.


Dave K4JRB 

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