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Re: [TowerTalk] reversible Beverage

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] reversible Beverage
From: Grant Saviers <>
Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2016 10:09:42 -0700
List-post: <">>
A simpler approach is to use RG6 (probably cheap even in KH6 land) and the reversible setup described in ON4UN's book.

Grant KZ1W

On 10/5/2016 9:47 AM, Bill via TowerTalk wrote:
A quick question:

I'm considering a reversible Beverage out in KH6 using DX Engineering setup.  
Their system requires the Beverage to be constructed of 450 ohm ladder line.  
Cost of the ladder line and the cost of shipping 1500 feet to KH6 is quite 
high.  The system is designed to operate in a range of 300-600 ohms and of 
course the 450 ohms is right in the middle of that range.

I've heard of guys using two wires in parallel to each other spaced 6-12 inches 
kept apart with home brew spacers and was considering  this as an economical 
alternative.  I asked the guy from DX-Engineering if this would work and he 
wasn't sure since he didn't know what the impedance would be for the two wires. 
 So, here I am.

Any  rough idea as to what the impedence would be for two nr 14 wires spaced 
around 6 inches or 12 inches?  I'd really like to use the DX Engineering 
stufffor this but want to be sure it would work with something other than the 
450 ohm ladder line.

Thanks ahead of time!


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