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Re: [TowerTalk] FM Receiver Source == Off Topic

To: "'reflector -tower'" <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] FM Receiver Source == Off Topic
From: "Jeff DePolo" <>
Date: Sat, 10 Nov 2018 19:09:39 -0500
List-post: <>
> I am looking for a source for decent quality, reasonably 
> priced dip switch
> programmable VHF-FM, NOAA WX and FM broadcast receivers.  

If DIP switch programmability isn't mandatory, do what we usually do - use
an old wideband VHF land-mobile rig like a Maxtrac, Radius, GE MLS, etc..
$25-50 for a radio like that is typical; demand for them is pretty much only
the ham radio crowd as they aren't narrowband-capable.  Ask around to find a
ham or two-way shop to program it if you don't have the software and
interface.  Add a $10 12V wall-wart and you're in business.  

If you want it to be pretty and rack-mounted, you can get ready-made rack
panels/brackets for most two-way radios from this company:

Another cheap option is to find an old scanner and just program one channel
in it.  Lots of older used scanners available for next to nothing with
everybody having narrowband and/or moved to digital.

                                --- Jeff WN3A

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