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[TowerTalk] COIL 3.22

To: <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] COIL 3.22
From: "Jim Thomson" <>
Date: Thu, 27 Dec 2018 20:11:16 -0800
List-post: <>
Date: Wed, 26 Dec 2018 16:46:38 -0800
From: Brian Beezley <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] COIL 3.22

<Just a note that I've moved my coil inductance and Q calculator to a new 
<home. You'll find it at the bottom of this page

<Check the version number in the link. If it's new, click to download.

<COIL 3.22 has a number of improvements. It features an automatic Q 
<optimizer, handles coils made of Litz wire, provides an RLC model useful 
<for broadband antenna analysis, lets you explore coil properties with 
<the mouse wheel, and is even more accurate. See COILS.TXT for updated 
<accuracy validation figures. See READ.ME to overcome some Windows quirks.


###  Brian,  it would be even  more useful, if it would handle larger diameter  
tubing coils. 
The biggest it appears to handle is  1-0.    And thats  way smaller than the  
.375 inch OD 
tubing coils I tend to use..for some applications, like 40m loading coils.     
I use  .375 tubing
simply cuz when ends are flattened,  I can punch a .25 hole in each end..and 
use  .25-20 
hardware.    The software should be able to handle at least up to .5 inch OD 
and bigger.    The original coil program from eons ago, easily handled .375 

Jim   VE7RF


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