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[TowerTalk] RFI from AlfaSpid RAK-1 while rotating

To: "" <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] RFI from AlfaSpid RAK-1 while rotating
From: Jim Miller <>
Date: Sun, 21 Apr 2019 15:25:29 -0400
List-post: <>
My RAK-1 generates a lot of RFI on 6m while rotating, making it impossible
to hear while it's moving. Beam is about 2 ft above the rotor. Some of it
is due to the start/stop PWM ramp from the GHE controller but even once
it's ramped to DC it is far above the noise floor.

Any have any actual experience with quieting one of these?

As part of this summer's maintenance activity, I plan to wrap the wires
around #43 2.4" ferrite closely mounted (somehow) to the connector cover.


jim ab3cv

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