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Re: [TowerTalk] Best Supplier of LDF4-50A 1/2" Heliax

To: "'Rob Atkinson'" <>, "'towertalk'" <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Best Supplier of LDF4-50A 1/2" Heliax
From: "Jeff DePolo" <>
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2019 09:03:41 -0400
List-post: <>
> I've heard that the quality of the Andrew line has diminished in the
> past few years; the copper outer shield is thinner and less robust
> making it harder to work with.  The industry has been moving to RFS
> supposedly because it is still constructed the way Heliax used to be.

Commscope's AVA series, which replaced most of the sizes available in the
LDF series, does have much less copper in it, and yes, it is easier to dent.
However, LDF4 (1/2") was not replaced by AVA - it is still made the same way
as it has always been.  We quit using Commscope when AVA came about.  We use
RFS primarily now, and occasionally Eupen and Rosenberger.

To the OP:  our cost on RFS LCF12-50J is about $1.10/ft in quantity.  For
shorter lengths at retail prices, expect to pay appreciably more.  Truck
freight isn't cheap when shipping a reel, so the more middle-men are
involved in a retail purchase, the more it's going to drive the price up
beyond the retailer's normal markup/profit.  Aside from the oriented
sources, you might try your local Graybar - they usually do between-store
transfers at no cost so it would save you freight charges if you pick it up
at your local branch.

                                        --- Jeff WN3A

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