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[TowerTalk] HDBX48 tiltover base info

To: towertalk <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] HDBX48 tiltover base info
From: John Simmons <>
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2021 13:14:17 -0500
List-post: <>
I obtained a used HDBX48 with the tiltover base consisting of tubing and u-shaped pieces to attach to 1" threaded rod. However I'm missing the u-shaped pieces. The Rohn drawing I have doesn't specify the thickness of the u-shaped pieces. Does anyone have a drawing or actual base to find the thickness of the material the u-shaped piece is made from? Looking at the drawing I'm thinking the piece is the same thickness as the square plate at the bottom of the threaded rod, which is 3/8". If so I can weld up what I need from flat stock.

-de John NI0K

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