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Re: [TowerTalk] Moving ham radio eflectors to permit attachments

To: "Edward Mccann" <>, "Pete Smith N4ZR" <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Moving ham radio eflectors to permit attachments
From: "Jamie WW3S" <>
Reply-to: Jamie WW3S <>
Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2021 17:56:22 +0000
List-post: <>
what are the fees for I know many groups I belong to ask for contributions when the time comes to renew, and most only accept donations for a few hours or so before they collect what they need....
------ Original Message ------
From: "Edward Mccann via TowerTalk" <>
To: "Pete Smith N4ZR" <>
Cc: "PVRC Submissions" <>; "TowerTalk" <>
Sent: 12/21/2021 10:05:14 AM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Moving ham radio eflectors to permit attachments
Happy to contribute.
Annual from members would be a pain to administer.

Sent from my iPhone

 On Dec 21, 2021, at 5:53 AM, Pete Smith N4ZR <> wrote:

 Since my earlier posting, I have learned that since February, 2021, 
has charged for groups larger than 100 members. While I think donations could easily 
cover these costs, and would be willing to administer a donations account on Paypal, 
that might be just too much complexity for some sysops.  In that case, how about 
Google Groups?  So far as I can tell, their email groups are completely free, 
regardless of size.

 73, Pete N4ZR
 Check out the new Reverse Beacon Network
 web server at <>.
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 "retail" DX cluster.


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