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Re: [TowerTalk] MFJ-259

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] MFJ-259
From: KD7JYK DM09 <>
Date: Sun, 27 Nov 2022 13:03:33 -0800
List-post: <>
On 11/27/2022 08:37, Grant Saviers wrote:
The MFJ259 is pretty useless in an RF environment.

I also found they will vary in SWR indication from zero to infinity depending on the antenna relative to it's surroundings, even when theoretically perfect, AND, the two oddest, static on the meter faces, rubbing dust from them can cause them to swing wildly, and hold at some funky reading, even when no antenna is connected, and, dust between the case joints, especially anything piezoelectric, like silica, with meter readings swinging wildly with pressure from holding the unit.

I had to keep mine super clean, placed aluminum screen over the meters for ESD, and remove paint, and place star washers between case pieces to ensure bonding.

Over-all, a pretty funky piece of test equipment, but works great- when it works great, I think, I'm not sure mine ever did. Well, maybe a couple times.



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