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[TowerTalk] Ever seen one of these before?

To: towertalk <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] Ever seen one of these before?
From: Rob Atkinson <>
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2023 05:46:45 -0500
List-post: <>

The whole time I've lived at my QTH, there was this guy a few houses up the
street who ran a TV repair business out of his house.  He called it
Day Nite TV Repair.  I took my set to him once back around 1997 and he
fixed it.  No interest in ham radio or any other electronics.  All he
did was TV repair and he had a real nice shop in the back of his
house.  Most of his business came from local schools.  He had 40 feet
of Rohn 25G behind his house with a rotator and TV antenna on top but
what made it unique was that the top section included this circular
work platform with a railing making it look like the crow's nest on a
ship or widow's walk.  Never asked him where he got it which was a big
mistake because I've never seen that in any Rohn catalog and yesterday
a crew came and took down the tower and put the crow's nest out on the
curb for a scrap picker to get.  I guess the guy went SK.  I got some
photos while it was still there and put a link to them above (which I
hope works).
Anyone ever seen one of these?
I'm guessing it was a custom job he had done at a welding shop.



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