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Re: [TowerTalk] DL6RAI SK

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] DL6RAI SK
From: David Gilbert <>
Date: Sun, 28 May 2023 10:57:35 -0700
List-post: <>
The picture at this link shows severely corroded hollow tower legs that 
didn't just buckle ... there are multiple jagged breaks.

I could imagine that much of the corrosion was inside the legs and not readily visible, but I had read elsewhere that the reason DL6RAI was on the tower was for the purpose of replacing it.  I don't know if that is true or not.
Dave   AB7E

On 5/28/2023 9:26 AM, Mike Fatchett W0MU wrote:
Looking at couple of the pictures where the tower folded I would guess that it was a guy wire failure probably made worse by the incredibly destructive environment.

On 5/23/2023 3:07 AM, jim.thom wrote:
Date: Thu, 18 May 2023 17:28:19 -0400
From: <>
To: <>, <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] DL6RAI SK

<Very sad news from Aruba. Ben, DL6RAI was working on a tower at his P49V <home this morning when the tower buckled and folded down with Ben attached.
<He died from his injuries.

<RIP Ben.

<John KK9A - P40A

This is sad news.
Does anyone know the exact cause of the tower failure ?
Was it a guy anchor failure or similar ?

Jim  VE7RF

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