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Re: [TowerTalk] Thrust bearing for AB-577??

To: "Joe Subich, W4TV" <>, "[TowerTalk]" <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Thrust bearing for AB-577??
From: Pete Smith N4ZR <>
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2023 11:37:18 -0400
List-post: <>
That's true, Joe - the thing that concerned people was the 6-foot lever arm above the tri-bander, even though the antenna mounted at the top of it is quite small.

73, Pete N4ZR

On 7/18/2023 11:05 AM, Joe Subich, W4TV wrote:

Yaesu show a mast bearing - mount to the mast above the rotator and
guy - but with your relatively small load I don't see a need for it.

Look at the loads K7NV had on his AB-577(s) with no bearing above the
rotator.  His TH7 represents significantly more load that you are


   ... Joe, W4TV

On 7/18/2023 9:41 AM, Pete Smith N4ZR wrote:
I have a C-3E tribander on an AB-577 "rocket launcher."  I also have a 3-element 6-meter yagi that I was planning to mount 6 feet above the Yaesu rotator at the top of the 577, but was deterred by concern of some knowledgeable hams that this might overload the rotator and cause a catastrophic failure, destroying the rotator and the tribander. That's just too big a risk for me.

It occurs to me to wonder whether someone out there has contrived a way to mount a thrust bearing above the rotator on an AB-577?  I can visualize what this might look like, involving a structure attached to the top of the top-most tube below the rotator and supporting a thrust bearing a foot or so above, but don't want to reinvent the wheel unless necessary.


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