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[TowerTalk] Butane soldering iron recommendations?

To: <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] Butane soldering iron recommendations?
From: "Mike Smith VE9AA" <>
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2023 17:40:38 -0300
List-post: <>
Hi All, 


Long time since I've posted, but read most of your emails at least weekly,
if not daily.


Trying to solder up some wires out in the field here before contest season
and even during nice warm T-shirt weather, with any kind of a breeze my
cheapie $40 butane soldering iron sometimes won't get hot enough to patch
(solder) a stranded #12AWG wire back together.  What do I need?


I've soldered with a small el-cheapo butane (raw) torch (not ideal)

I've soldered with a small butane powered soldering "OK" if it's
warm outside (5 months of the year) and there is no breeze. (almost never
here on the Ridge)


What are you guys using for your field repairs?  Something by Weller? How
many Watt equivalent?


I don't want a $25 Amazon cheapie.  Already been down that road.  But also
probably don't need a $500 unit for those few times a year I am too far from
the house not to use a variety of my electric irons.


Thanks and keep on towertalkin'


Mike VE9Antenna Antenna


Keswick Ridge, NB



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