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[TowerTalk] Fw: Fw: 80M Delta Loop

To: "TowerTalk" <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] Fw: Fw: 80M Delta Loop
From: "Fernando Gonzalez, EC1CT" <>
Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2024 20:54:58 +0200
List-post: <>
Hi Jim,
Now where you are...Did the Big Sur from SF to LA a couple of years back...Nice location by the way. I´m not as active as I was on 2010 but I love low bands and spent many hours at sunset/sunrise on the cw portion. After many attemps with verticals and mostly any kind of wire antennas, I stick with an inverted vee at 70ft for 80 meters
and an Inverted L with 4 elevated radials for 160...
Glad to read you over here, Jim.
EC1CT Fernando

Hi Fernando,

I also live on top of granite, in the Santa Cruz Mountains, five miles
from the Pacific. I do well on 80M because my tall trees allow me to rig
horizontal dipoles at about 30m. An important part of ham radio for me
is learning and using the science of how it works to do better on the air!

Our only QSO was in Feb 2010 ARRL DX around 08Z on 80M. I'm about 3,000
miles farther from you than Ed is, and my path is through the auroral
oval. Ed's path is over water.

73, Jim K9YC


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