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Re: [TowerTalk] TowerTalk] DROPPING A TOWER

To: <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] TowerTalk] DROPPING A TOWER
From: <>
Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2024 14:37:29 -0400
List-post: <>
This is a good question, I recently sold my house and was running out of
time to remove one of my towers so I actually considered this option.  I
used taper pier pin bases but since yours is in concrete I think that the
Rohn 55G will remain vertical when removing all of the guys on one side.  I
have no experience with this so do this at your own risk but you may
consider weakening the base section prior to snipping the guys.  I am sure
that many silent key towers are dropped so hopefully the pros can step in
and offer advice. There are also a number of YouTube videos of large towers
being dropped but it seems they use explosives on the guys.  I do not know
if the tensioned guys become a hazard when they are snipped.  Even when it's
down you have a big job cutting things up and scrapping.  Good luck with the
sale and be safe!

John KK9A/4

K4XS wrote:

In a few weeks I will be taking down a 136 ft Rohn 55 tower with its base
set in concrete.  I won't be taking it down section by section, but rather
dropping the whole thing.
I have some pre-conceived ides as to how to do it, but have never done it
beiore.  No issues with power lines or neighbor's property...noner are an
issue.  Lots of cleared space folr the tower to be dropped.
Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Bill K4XS/V31XX


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