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Re: [TowerTalk] 140' guyed tower worth?

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] 140' guyed tower worth?
From: Chuck <>
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 13:16:36 -0400
List-post: <>
It was brand new steel when built 12 years ago. I’m trying to get the specs on 
it from the company that erected it, but I know it was built for 3x the load we 
were putting on it, Its use was for NLOS and LOS PtMP wireless internet; it has 
a 4’ licensed dish on it for backhaul and 3 Telrad base stations and a few 
Cambium radios on it iirc.


> On Sep 25, 2024, at 1:05 PM, Jim W7RY <> wrote:
> Is it a name brand communications tower? Or some 70 year old AM broadcast 
> tower that is not designed to have any antennas mounted on it?
> Jim W7RY
> On 9/25/2024 11:06 AM, Chuck wrote:
>> Is there any value to a 140’ guyed tower from a resale standpoint? I know 
>> more information is ultimately needed, but the tower in question was erected 
>> about 12 years ago but is no longer needed.
>> Any rough estimates on the cost to bring the tower down?
>> Thanks,
>> Chuck
>> --------------
>> Chuck Bartosch
>> Point Broadband
>> 200 Pleasant Grove Road
>> Ithaca, NY 14850
>> (607) 227-5500 (cell)
>> If all is not lost, where is it?
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> Thanks and 73, Jim W7RY
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