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[VHFcontesting] Rover Plans for N7ROJ/R in the 2002 ARRL June VHF QSO Pa

To: <vhfcontesting@contesting.com>
Subject: [VHFcontesting] Rover Plans for N7ROJ/R in the 2002 ARRL June VHF QSO Party
From: n7lq@xmtservices.net (N7LQ)
Date: Thu Jun 19 16:44:05 2003

My Friend, John N7ROJ, asked me to place an announcement about his Rover plans 
for the upcoming June VHF 

John is planning an ambitious 13 grid effort, through NE California, Southern 
Oregon, and Northern Nevada, 
covering in this order, CM99, CN90, CN91, CN92, DN02, DN01, DN11, DN12, DN10, 
DN20, DN21Then turning back 
and returning through to DN00 and finishing in DM09.

He will be carrying the following bands/equipment:

6M, FT-100D, KB6KQ loop, 100W
2M, FT-100D, Cushcraft 4 el yagi, 50W
222, DEM Transverter, KB6KQ loop, 25W
432, FT-100D w/amp, 2 3el yagis, 100W
1296, DEM transverter, 14 el looper, 2.5W
2304, DEM Transverter, 21 el Looper, 1W

As you can see it is quite an effort and he would very much like to work as 
many Q's as possible.  

So be listening for N7ROJ/R in the noise he will be many places that nobody 
else is.....

Multi-Op from DN01

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