This was my first VHF/UHF contest and I was plenty fired up for it. I
worked/listened for all but the 6 hours overnight on Sat/Sun. Here were
KC9BQA's results from EN63, 40 miles north of Milwaukee:
50: 66 Q's in 22 grids
144: 81 Q's in 25 grids
147 points X 47 grids = 6,909 claimed score. My club affiliation is the
Badger Contesters.
My equipment was an Icom 575H for 6, with 100 watts. An Icom 910H for 2,
also with 100 watts. Antennas were Par Omniangles (horizontal, omni loops) for
both 6 and 2. I have 2-stacks on each band. The 6 stack is at 33' and 45' and
the 2 stack is at 28' and 32'. I have a good QTH with a nice 360 degree
Best DX was EM64 and FN41 early Sunday morning on 6. I heard a Colorado
station briefly but we couldn't complete the QSO. On 2, I was pleased to get
EM49, 79 and 89 in the log. I was also happy to hear N8LIQ from the U.P. of
Michigan check in. He was my only EN56.
I want to thank the rovers who work so hard to hand out contacts. Rovers
accounted for 34 of my 147 Q's and I wish I had been able to hear/find more of
them. Thanks to K9JK, WB8BZK, W8LON, K0PG and K9ILT, and also to KB9TLV.
I was really pleasantly surprised with how many Q's I had. I didn't think
the Omniangles would hear (or be heard) quite that well. It was a ball to
simply hear so many signals on the bands, as well. I heard comment after
comment about lousy propagation but I guess I'm not experienced enough to know
the difference. What my ears hear on 6 and 2 most days is white noise and a
few local ragchews. Any day there are many stations to work is a great one!
To this newbie, it seemed like there was always something to work (or at least
go hoarse trying, hihi). I had a new QSO in *every* hour that I worked the
contest, regardless of rain, church, football.
Please look for me on 50, 144, 222 and 432 in future contests. A number of
you here have helped me with advice on how to construct a first-rate station
and things are coming along. The 100' of Rohn SSV is laying in the weeds,
awaiting backhoe and crane. It should be up by early winter.
Todd KC9BQA EN63
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