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[VHFcontesting] IC-7000 - Best VHF contesting rig?

To: vhfcontesting@contesting.com
Subject: [VHFcontesting] IC-7000 - Best VHF contesting rig?
From: "jon jones" <n0jk@hotmail.com>
Date: Mon, 01 May 2006 02:21:12 +0000
List-post: <mailto:vhfcontesting@contesting.com>
>Well, I used an Icom 7000 during last January's sweeps. On
>two meters ONLY.  It is a VAST improvement over the 706 Mk
>2 G, at least in terms of RX performance. // Sensetivity,
>selectivity, are right up there with my FT 897.  So, there you go...

There is a nice review of the IC-7000 in the May 2006 issue of QST starting 
page 64. The review notes "ICOM got most everything right with this radio, 
and it offers a lot of enjoyment in one compact package... Strip away the 
IC-7000 HF features and you have a multimode VHF/UHF transceiver (50 - 100 
w, 144 - 50 w and 432 MHz - 35 w). The receiver is quite sensitive in this 
range (VHF/UHF)."  The IC-7000 is similar to the IC-706 series in many ways, 
but it also shares features with the IC-756PROIII.

One of the sidebars in the article is titled "DXpeditioning with the 
IC-7000" by Kurt, W6PH. Kurt, like me, has contested from VP9GE's home in 
Bermuda. Kurt used the IC-7000 in the ARRL DX CW and SSB contests this year 
as VP9/W6PH. He made 7,500 QSOs both modes, and notes "I would rate the 
receiver as excellent. Doing A/B testing next to my old TS-930S showed a 
significant difference in sensitivity. This IC-7000 could become my new home 
station radio!"

"For top-tier HF contest operations, the '756 or '7800 offer better radio 
performance at a higher price. If you just operate VHF/UHF or satellites, 
there are better choices. But if, like a lot of hams, you like to do a bit 
of all the above, and particularly if you sometimes take your radio with 
you, the IC-7000 is worth a close look." List price is $1,499.

- Jon  N0JK

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