Ray: A preamp is only useful if the G/T ratio of your antenna is large
enough (i.e. 3db beamwidth narrow enough and sidelobes small enough) to
reduce noise sources other than from the direction where it is pointed. If
you live in a high noise environment, it would make little difference shy of
overcoming coaxial line losses or existing receiver inadequacies, especially
given that your antenna is limited to being on the horizon for weak signal
tropo. Just make sure what you have installed as a home station is
functional and working reasonably well. Sooner or later mother nature will
drop a tropo, aurora, m/s, or e's opening in your lap. The trick is being
around and having your modest equipment functional when that happens. Most
of the 30 plus states I have worked on 1296 MHz occurred in the "Great
Thanksgiving Tropo Opening of 1986" (21st Central States VHF Proceedings,
1987, pp34-41). Be patient, stuff happens. 73 Mike WA3TTS
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