David, K3SK,
My proposal specifically prevents
Working all 3 back to back on the same frequency.
by requiring the CW contact to be in the CW exclusive band segment on 6m
and 2m. Mixed CW/SSB contacts in the rest of the band are considered SSB
I did not address the issue of a Digital qso on the same frequency as a,
say, SSB, contact, but assumed that digital contacts would be on the
"usual" digital frequencies. A formal rule should address that.
We seem to agree on the differential point values.
And higher band values.
Bob, w3idt
. Robert F. Teitel, W3IDT
. w3idt@comcast.net
. w3idt@arrl.net
On 10/27/2022 3:31 PM, k3sk@buckwalter.co wrote:
I have also voiced my concerns to the ARRL and made a proposal. I disagree
with the 3 contacts per station idea in that most guys will work someone, then
say switch to the next mode and then the next. Working all 3 back to back on
the same frequency. I believe one contact per station per band is sufficient.
My proposal is related to assigning points to provide an incentive to work
other modes besides digital (FT8) when propagation permits it.
Make any digital contact worth less than CW or SSB. An example for 6 meters is
Digital Contact (no cross mode) = 1 point
SSB 2 points
CW 3 points
CW/SSB Cross mode 3 points
Then increase the point amounts proportionately for the higher bands.
Multipliers remain the same as they are now.
de K3SK
-----Original Message-----
From: Mark, K5AM <k5am@zianet.com>
Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2022 6:59 PM
To: vhfcontesting@contesting.com
Subject: [VHFcontesting] Suggestion for the ARRL June VHF contest
Suggestion for the ARRL June VHF contest
Recently introduced digital modes have resulted in a major change in the way
contesters have operated in the June VHF contest. A wide spectrum of opinions
have been expressed on the various e-mail lists. Many operators are concerned
for the long-term health of VHF contesting. To what is considered by some to be
a serious problem, there is a feasible solution.
On HF (for example, Sweepstakes and DX) ARRL has had separate contests for CW,
SSB, RTTY, and recently Digital. However, VHF has been slighted, like a
neglected child, with ARRL providing only combined-mode contests.
This inexplicable situation is easily corrected.
Suggestion for an ARRL June VHF contest series.
1. Three separate contests will be held, on the first three weekends in June.
2. Each of the three contests will be conducted using a single mode.
3. In 2023, the sequence of modes will be SSB, Digital, CW.
In subsequent years, the modes will be rotated.
1. The September and January VHF contests can be considered later, after an
experimental three contest series in June 2023.
2. As with any proposed scheme, there are obvious pros and cons; the challenge
for operators is to balance individual circumstances with VHF contesting in
general, and the long-term picture.
Mark, K5AM
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