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[VHFcontesting] KG6CIH/R rover plans

To: vhfcontesting@contesting.com
Subject: [VHFcontesting] KG6CIH/R rover plans
From: Chris Lumens <chris@lumensoutdoors.org>
Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2024 11:18:08 -0400
List-post: <mailto:vhfcontesting@contesting.com>
Hey, everyone.

I am currently watching the weather and hoping I have enough rain free
time today and tomorrow to get the rover ready, plus that it doesn't
rain a ton over the weekend.  Weather permitting, I am planning on
getting out there again for my standard six grid rove.

Planned schedule (all times Eastern):

= Saturday =

1400 - 1615 : FN33kd, Equinox VT
1800 - 2000 : FN32ou, Hogback VT

= Sunday =

0815 - 1050 : FN31it, Mohawk Mountain CT
1340 - 1500 : FN41bp, Ekonk Community Grange CT
1645 - 1900 : FN42fp, Westborough MA water tower
2100 - end  : FN43cd, Henniker NH

I am trying out a couple different driving routes this time, so times
might be a couple minutes off.

I have reasonable power and real antennas on all bands through 10 GHz.
I'll primarily be doing SSB, though I can do CW if I absolutely have to,
and I will probably do some 6m FT8 from time to time.  I am not set up
to do other digital modes or on other bands.  I'm also not set up to do
contacts while driving.

I'd be happy to arrange contacts with anyone ahead of time, so please
give me a mail.  I am especially interested in reaching out into farther
away grids, so if you are in the Rochester or Philadelphia areas and
think it'll work, please reach out.  Equinox and Mohawk are especially
good for this.

Hope to hear you out there!

Chris Lumens - KG6CIH
Hike * MTB * XC Ski * Haskell
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