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[VHFcontesting] 222 mhz activity night summary k1whs

To: "NEWSVHF@mailman.qth.net" <NEWSVHF@mailman.qth.net>, "vhfcontesting@contesting.com" <vhfcontesting@contesting.com>, "222 >> 222Activity@groups.io" <222Activity@groups.io>
Subject: [VHFcontesting] 222 mhz activity night summary k1whs
From: David Olean <k1whs@metrocast.net>
Date: Wed, 31 Jul 2024 05:03:39 -0400
List-post: <mailto:vhfcontesting@contesting.com>
I was on a few minutes before 23:00 ut looking for contacts. i was only able to use one hand, so I was glad no re arranging of shack things was needed. I checked the packrats beacon and it was quite steady and a bit louder than usual. it was moving the s-meter last night. activity was quite good and I ended up with 36 qsos with 35 stations. i worked WA1T with his regular setup and then he called again with his Quansheng on dsb. he was walking around his house using that little rubber duckie antenna.  I worked about the same station list as GB Ron WZ1V, but I missed N1ROZ, K3SK, and W2TMA.  I don't have the log in front of me, so am not sure who else I nabbed, but I did try with K9MRI and after 15 minutes we still did not have a contact, so we quit. That was unusual, but normally, Joe hears me a lot. This time, I heard him often at the start. I got full calls before I could even type in his call in the WSJT call box!.  I tried FT8 with K3SK but nil heard. We attempted a Q65 sked, but I was late getting there, so that did not work. It was quite busy with all sorts of signals around the NE.  I did work KJ1K over on the side of Mt Greylock, but Sigurd's rig was complaining loudly and he had to repeat everything a few times as he was  cutting out with all sorts of burbling sounds.  I tried a sked with W7JW in Michigan using meteors and we worked in about 15 minutes.

Signals were generally good but I noted that W1XR in FM19 and WA3DRC in FM28 were not as loud as typically heard. I suspect thunderstorms in the path. They churn up things.  N2JMH in eastern NY was very loud on FT8. I think the little WSJT readout said +31. Such levels can melt some steel alloys.   WA3EOQ at 500 miles was an easy contact too. I copied Howard right off and we had a quick contact. I heard Pete K1PXE call him right after. I hope Pete got him then as he was complaining about getting stomped on all evening! Pete was pretty good copy as I heard him off the back of his beam and he is 185 miles away.  K2RMX was loud all evening. WC2K was blasting in with his amp in line.  I tried with WG3K but heard nil. I missed W3IP, who got on a bit late. K3TUF was not in my log either. The bottom line was that there were plenty of signals and it was easy to miss a few as the activity level was quite high. I did note that W5EME and AAJ6T worked on FT8 over a 492 mile path. Walt AJ6T is running about 30 watts I think. That is an incredible distance. I keep thinking about the Mississippi Valley propagation.  Corn and soy bean crops can produce lots of moisture into the air.I wonder if corn has anything to do with their great success?

I am hoping to be on for the 222 and up contest. I threw 12 gallons of diesel in the tank just for that purpose!  My two bands are 222 and 432.  There was one Earth directed CME that hit at 00:00 UT on the 30th, but nothing after that. The K index went to 5 for a short period then. Kp of 5-6 is predicted for July 31 and August 1, so keep monitoring for a possible storm and maybe some VHF aurora.  I am not holding my breath, but you can never be sure.


Dave K1WHS

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