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Re: [VHFcontesting] VHF Activity

To: vhfcontesting@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [VHFcontesting] VHF Activity
From: Sid Shusterman via VHFcontesting <vhfcontesting@contesting.com>
Reply-to: Sid Shusterman <k3sx@comcast.net>
Date: Sun, 22 Sep 2024 16:45:34 -0400
List-post: <mailto:vhfcontesting@contesting.com>
Without going too far down the rabbit hole Howard nailed it! The excitement of building an antenna or a rig from old parts sparked the geek fire we had as kids. Beer can verticals and more breathed life into our dreams. Today it is worse than shack on a belt it is world wide communications holding something in our hand.
Well said Howard.
Sid K3SX

On 9/22/2024 4:31 PM, Howard Reynolds wrote:
It WAS a big deal working K1WHS via the moon.  THAT'S what the WSJT suite
of digital comms was meant for; not working stations that are S9+20.  Way
back when, it was also a BIG DEAL working W3CCX on Camelback or W1DC on Mt.
Agamenticus, ME with a Heathkit Twoer and 5-elements (homebrewed on a wood
boom) from a fire tower on the Appalachian Trail in Maryland.

If you leaned towards being a geek in the late 60s, your only option was to
play with radios.  I wish that someone would have told me about Amateur
Radio earlier than my Junior year in High School.  Today's challenge is to
make these would be geeks think Ham Radio is much more of a BIG DEAL than
being drawn in by smart phone apps.  I don't really know a specific answer
to this.  Once in a great while, I succeed in getting a smart phone or
computer app addict to get a little excited about what can be done by
playing Ham Radio. WA3EOQ
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