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[WriteLog] NAQP

To: <writelog@contesting.com>
Subject: [WriteLog] NAQP
From: ct1aoz@mail.maxitel.pt (ct1aoz Maxitel)
Date: Sat, 13 Jan 2001 02:23:47 -0000

I think the RTTY is (  two in one ) we enjoy at once the Mark and Space at
the same time.
Cw and SSB no  :-)  hihi

73... see you in the contests


ICQ: 4334073
Pls QSLvia ''  eQSL.cc  ''
----- Original Message -----
From: Larry Lindblom <w0etc@ix.netcom.com>
To: Writelog <writelog@contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, January 13, 2001 1:16 AM
Subject: [WriteLog] NAQP

> As a relative newcomer to RTTY contesting (about 2 years) my favorite
> domestic RTTY contest is NAQP. As many of you are aware this weekend
> and next is NAQP CW then NAQP SSB.  This raises a question in my
> mind.  Why is it that the CW and SSB versions of NAQP run twice per
> year but the RTTY version only once per year?  Maybe someone who has
> been around longer than me has an answer.
> 73 W0ETC
> --
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> Submissions:              writelog@contesting.com
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WWW:                      http://www.writelog.com/
Submissions:              writelog@contesting.com
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Problems:                 owner-writelog@contesting.com

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